AI Marketplace

Faster content processing, lower cost localization and automated enrichment for catalog metadata is just a sampling of how Vubiquity’s AI Marketplace benefits our media supply chain customers.

Generative AI (GenAI) and the latest machine learning models are making a big impact on the media & entertainment landscape. Vubiquity, with our unique access to Amdocs’ technology, has built, assembled and integrated GenAI and machine learning models for every stage of the media supply chain, from ingest, conformance, metadata enhancement and localization.

Asset Ingest, Compliance & Metadata Enrichment

We have witnessed productivity gains of 10-15% using Al for compliance, asset ingest, onboarding, and metadata enhancement processes.


The power of Al in translation and localization delivers a 15-20% boost in productivity for script transcription and a 20-25% gain for subtitle creation. These results not only expedite the process but also enhance accuracy and quality.

Mastering Quality Control

Al, when leveraged in Master QC, leads to a 10-15% productivity boost, by aiding in the identification of video and audio anomalies.


Al has also yielded 10% efficiency gains, for coding and software quality control.

Our team has identified real-world use cases that help our media & entertainment customers increase productivity and reduce costs with the use of GenAI technology. We’ve built and integrated models to handle ad-break candidates, binge marker locations, thumbnail and poster art creation, trailer/preview clip creation, genre/mood identifiers, subtitle transcription & translation, synthetic audio description, synthetic voiceover and regional compliance editing. Plus, we’re working to bring production-worthy synthetic audio dubbing cases online.

GenAI models can produce impressive results, but good results don’t always equal useful content. Many AI models are built by relatively new companies whose focus on integration into the media supply chain is an afterthought. Additionally, legal concerns can sideline business usage: training and testing the large language models (LLM) for GenAI may produce outcomes that reside in a legal or royalty clearance gray area. Vubiquity has done the heavy lifting to identify which tools meet production-worthy quality thresholds, ensuring that GenAI results are useful within media supply chains, while respecting your data and content.

Vubiquity is a technology-led media services vendor, and we have taken the lead to ensure that our customers have access to cutting-edge GenAI and machine learning automation tools, enabling seamless integration with their media supply chain. Our unique access to Amdocs’ advanced technology and resources provides a strong foundation for delivering customer value via GenAI.

Vubiquity’s AI Marketplace tools are fully integrated into the Vubiquity Media Suite – a full range of flexible, modular components underpinned by advanced technology and AI, including simplified order management integration and reporting dashboards to monitor your titles.